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Here at Bambino's we are one big extended family and we are honored to be part of your families nutritional journey. Meet our families and see how we prepare your organic meals. We farm, create and deliver to your door step anywhere in the US. Baby, Toddler and families meals created with your health in mind! Follow us on our Social Media or just in case you missed a post we have our fun photos and stories here.

Making purees to support a healthier generation. It has been an entire decade since our founder Zoi Maroudas began advocating for our children across America. Thanks to our Bambino's Families, providers, and Congressman Don Young we are making a difference together! Earlier this month our second House Bill was presented to remove regulations that prohibit healthier options for lower-income families. Currently, Woman Infant and Children Food Supplement Program (WIC) do not allow: organic, meals that include protein-vegetables-grain mixed together, frozen goods and restrict package size that off more than 1 serving. Friends, we are collecting names and organizations that support this movement. Please PM us or comment below and say you support this Bill. To learn more follow the link below: https://bambinosbabyfood.com/blogs/news/infant-act-bill-hr-784-eliminates-unnecessary-regulations-to-allow-healthier-foods-for-low-income-food "I feel very strongly that all children deserve the best nutrition no matter parents financial challenge. What our children eat their first 3 years is the foundation on which their health stands on," shared our founder. Now let's see if we can get a Senate Bill and support from our Governors to mirror our Congressman's Bill! Moms Dads you can find our Bambino's foods in frozen food section at your favorite Carrs Safeway in endcap freezer. #Bambinosbabyfood #WIC #Healthybabyfoodoptions #Organicfood #Salmonbabyfood #ZoiMaroudas #CongressmanDonYoung #SenatorDanSullivan #SenatorLisaMurkowski #advocacy #babyhealth #everybitecounts

February may be chilly but thank goodness Bambinos Meals are here to keep little one's tummies nice and warm. Each spoonful is super tasty and packed with healthy ingredients. Check out our Sweet Spring Veggies or Filet Mignon Vegetable Stew. Moms Dads you are likely to steel a spoonful or two. 😋 Sending you all the world of love and happy wishes. Zoi Try this toasty Bambino's Soup Recipe: 🍲😍 Take 5 stars of our Filet Mignon Vegetables Stew or Sweet Spring Veggies from pouch and toss into 10 ounces of boiling water. Then add 2 ounce of favorite chopped veggies, 1 heaping tbsp couscous, and dash of sea salt. Cook at low heat for 10 minutes and stir couple of times ready and finish of with a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice and zest. Enjoy. #Bambinosbabyfood #Oragnicbabyproducts #Filetmignonvegetablestew #SweetSpringveggies #Homedelivery #NoSugar #ProteinRichbabyfood #Familyowned #ZoiMaroudas

Happy Birthday to our Bambino’s Baby Constantine!! This loving, handsome and handy little man turns 11 years old today! In 2013 our founder Zoi Maroudas started Bambino’s Baby Food. There were many iterations of our logo and one day Zoi happened to go through her family album and came across the prefect photo. It was her son Constantine wearing his favorite hat. Happy Birthday Constantine! We love you! Dear Bambino’s Families help us celebrate Constantine! PS he still loves his Bambino’s foods and plays a big part in new recipe creations! #bambinosbabyfood #constatinetziolas #familybusiness #babylogo #birthday

We have a fabulous subscription service that saves our parents time and ensures babies get the right and freshest nutrition. Only the very best for our little Bambino's. Together we take this nutritional journey as a family! To order you month supply follow the link below: https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all #Bambinosbabyfood #everybitecounts #babyfood #subscription #homedelivery #homemadebabyfood #organicbaby #lowsugarbabyfood #momitforward #motherhood #momlife #parenting #familybusiness #baylorbears #zoimaroudas

My favorite helper and love of my life my baby girl Athinaoula helping me and learning how Great grandmother made natural olive oil soaps back in Greece. Now we have the opportunity to share these healthy and nourishing soaps with our families that visit us at Bambino’s Baby Food or shop from our website. There is only 3 lovely organic ingredients: our Maroudas 1st Cold Press Olive Oil, Fresh tapped Birch Water from our Alaskan Trees and Olive Tree wood Ash. These delicate soaps are gentle for babies and wonderful for adults with Psoriasis, eczema or simply dry skin. Treasured moments and healthy beginnings! Much love , Zoi Maroudas Founder-President Bambino’s Baby Food 💞🙏🥰 # #bambinosbabyfood #oliveoilsoap #familytraditions #naturalbabyproducts #Eczema #psoriasis #Diabetics #Babysoap #familybusiness #momlife #mompreneur #zoimaroudas

Here at Bambino's we are your family! We grow, harvest, create and package your little ones meals with love and detailed attention. Thank you for welcoming us into your family and together our families grow stronger! #bambinosbabyfood #babyfoodreview #everybitecounts #babyfood #subscription #homedelivery #homemadebabyfood #organicbaby #lowsugarbabyfood #momitforward #motherhood #momlife #parenting #familybusiness #baylorbears #zoimaroudas #unitedinmotherhood #thatsdarling #thehappynow #ohheymama #justmomlife #thankful #grateful #gratitude #givethanks

Every bite counts and thats why there is a fiesta in every Bambino's spoonful! 🎉🎉 Protein and vegetable meals all packed with essential nutrition helping little grow healthy strong! All of our beef organic and ethically harvested! Looking 👀 for iron rich meal try our Hearty Stew, Filet Mignon Vegetable Stew and Hungry Munchkin. https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/vegetable-stew-with-filet-mignon #bambinosbabyfood #heartystew #filetmignonvegetablestew #hungrymunchkin #everybitecounts #babyfood #subscription #homedelivery #homemadebabyfood #organicbaby #lowsugarbabyfood #momitforward #motherhood #momlife #parenting #familybusiness #baylorbears #zoimaroudas

Our founder Zoi Maroudas started Bambino's Baby Food because she wanted each bite to count and support a healthy strong development. While studying in medical school she didn’t like the current options as the didn't meet nutritional needs and were not helpful for children with food allergies. Babies needed more protein, fresher food options and healthy fats that nurtured healthy brain and body growth. No current baby food included these essential macronutrients and qualities and she was set to make a difference. Combining her medical background, connecting to local organic farmers and Alaska fishermen and women Bambino's opened it's own manufacturing kitchen making fresher and super nutritious meals made to order. Now as a mom herself the passion and commitment only runs deeper! #Bambinosbabyfood #everybitecounts #babyfood #homemadebabyfood #organicbaby #lowsugarbabyfood #momitforward #motherhood #momlife #parenting #bonebroth #bonebrothforbabies #bonebrothnutrition #toddlermeals #toddlerfoods #toddlerlife #toddler #toddlermomlife #toddlermeals #zoimaroudas #mompreneur #momsofinstagram

New Year, New Routine, New Snacks!! Did you know we have a subscription service? Tap the link below to fill your box: 👇📦 https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all #bambinosbabyfood #organic #coldpressed #noaddedsugar #ProteinMeals #Homedelivery

Something for everyone in the family! 🎄💞🎁 Order today your holiday gift basket and share health and wellness made with much love! We can ship right to your doorstep anywhere in the United States! #bambinosbabyfood #healthyfood #holidayseason #organicfood #giftideas #womensupportingwomen #zoimaroudas https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/family-pack-organic-fresh-nutrition

During holiday season we are faced with constant ads on what to buy and where. Our mission has been dedicated towards serving the healthiest products from our organic family farms and serving the best customer service! Today is small business Saturday and why not support your local community. Give the gift of a healthy fresh meal to the little ones around us. This is the community we have chosen for our tiny ones to grow up, why not support it. #BambinosBabyfood #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusinesssaturday #youcommunitymatters #Organicbabyproducts #FirstChirstmas #FirstHanukkah #Homedelivered #Handmadewithlove #Babysfirst

Our beautiful 4 Generations Maroudas Olive Oil Harvest in Zante,Greece! And I’m super excited that we have been able to bring our Bambino’s Families this Healthy and aromatic treasure! Our olive oil is extra-virgin, coldpressed, first press, unfiltered, natural and organic that also offers 50% more polyphenols! Rich in Vitamin A, D, K and Omegas! Looking for that beautiful holiday gift stop by Bambinos and pick up your beautiful olive oil to share with your loved ones! 2819 Spenard Road Anchorage Alaska 99503 or shop at Bambinosbabyfood.com and have it mail to loved ones in the US. BambinosBabyFood.com #bambinosbabyfood #maroudasoliveoil #firstpress #organic #organicfarming #harvest2020 #holidayshopping
Celebrating Alaskan Traditions with our Omega Rich Bambino’s Salmon Strips for babies and family! Thank you dear Laine for opportunity to share and promote our healthy Alaskan Seafood with families near and far. Alaska Fish Radio

Happy Halloweeeen!! Sending love, good cheer and healthy foods for your loved ones! 🎃📦💞 #Bambinosbabyfood #Pumkin #Healthyfoodoptions #Homedelivery #Sharemore #everybitecounts #Babyfood #Childhoodunpluggled #Halloween #Motherearth #momitforward #proteinmeals #onlythebest

Holidays 🕎 🎄🎀🎁💐 are just around the corner and I know there are many new babies to celebrate and love on!! Friends near and far think of us here at Bambinos Baby Food this holiday season and shop your loved one the healthiest baby food on the planet! Alaska Fresh and Alaskan Made with love delivered to your doorstep Any where in the US! 💞#BambinosbabyFood,Baby present, Gift, healthy life style, shop local, holiday Gift, Organic, home delivery, best family gift, Alaska Grown. Sockeye Salmon, Protein meals, HappyToddler, Crunchy mom, Organic brands, super healthy kids, home delivery

Sweet Spring Veggies and Hungry Munchkin make for a happy Bambino! 👶😀 These two Bambino's meals are packed with yummy organic veggies and are great wholesome meals for your little one. Infancy is the best time to begin building your little one's pallets to develop healthy eating habits and these Bambino's blends are perfect to give your own little bambino a taste for veggies! Look for us in the frozen food section at Carrs Safeway or Find some of our favorite vegetable meals here!👇👇 https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/veggie-cookie-cereal-pack #BambinosBabyFood #healthyparenting #parentingdoneright #healthybabyfood #organicbabyfood #eatyourveggies #veggies #greens #organicbabyproducts #babyfoodie #ohheymamas #ig_momlife #mom #parenting #organic #ig_motherhood #momsofinstagram #momblogs #healthylifestryle #organicbaby #justmomlife #babyfooddelivery #babytrend #momstake #ZoiMaroudas

When your little ones start eating our Googly Carrots, this is what happens when they get older! 😆🥕🥕💞 They want more!! 🎉 Our organic carrots are grown just 1 hour away from our kitchen, so they are always fresh and super nutritious! Plus, we add some of our beautiful Extra Cold press Maroudas Olive oil, making each meal and smoothie time extra scrumptious and nutrient-rich. We also have protein meals also include our carrots in our Alaskan Salmon Bisque, Filet Mignon Vegetable Stew and Hali Halibut and yes these are all delicious baby toddler meals! Yum! Mom dad make sure to make some extra for you! ❤️😍🥕 And if this adorable photo of Katherine didn't make your heart smile enough our meals are also 7 to 10 times more nutritious then any other baby food! Learn more or shop: https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/googly-carrots Bambinos Baby Food Googly Carrots Cutie Just mom life, the happy now, united in motherhood, baby foodi, Farm to table, alaska grown, ig_motherhood, Carrots, Daily parenting, parent most have, best baby products, thats is so cute, home delivery.

Here at Bambino’s, we are one big extended family; and we love being part of your family sharing healthy fresh Foods made with love from our heart to yours. This sweet photo was taken last year during a nutrition consultation with our founder #ZoiMaroudas. "I love seeing our bambinos grow healthy and strong and being introduced by parents as Auntie Zoi!" Cheer, love and great quality nutrition is what you will find at Bambino's Baby Food. 😍💪❤️ #Bambinosbabyfood #familybusiness #Purefoods #Organicbabyfoods Parents #babys #motherslove #babyshop #eatingwell #moms #babyfooddelivery #instafood #instagrammom

IT ALL HAPPENS HERE! EVERY Bambino's meal, snack, cereal or cookie is created in our very own manufacturing kitchen dedicated to creating fresh, clean and super nutritious products for you and your loved ones. (🥕🥦🐟🥑🥩) 📦 = 👶🍲😍 WE take great pride in chopping, mixing, rolling and packing each Bambino's product with detailed love and care . Bambino's is the only baby food company in the United States that creates all products in house. Our family’s know the attention and care we put in every product while offering full transparency and traceability. In the video we have just baked our hand rolled Carrot Orange Cookies package with Vitamin A and C. Learn more about our products or shop: https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/carrot-orange-biscotto #Bambbinosbabyfood #Carrotoorangecookie #Organicbrands #womenfounded #ZoiMaroudas #Crunchymom #allorganiceverything #Freshmade #ColdPress #Noaddesssugar #Snack #Crunchymama #mommybloger #healthymanufacturing

Need a gift for those new Mommys and Daddys? Give the gift of Bambino's! A Bambino's giftcard is the best gift ever. On our website you can find our wide variety of delicious organic protein baby food, as well as delicious meals for the family to be delivered straight to your door! We offer sustainable Alaskan Halibut filets, Sockeye salmon filets, and our newest goody, Bambino's ready to bake Spinach Ricotta Pita and ready to bake Sugar-Free Orange Custard with Crispy Phyllo! Both of these dishes are sure to please the whole family and great to bring to parties! Find these and more at our website, https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all #BambinosBabyFood #healthyparenting #parentingdoneright #healthybabyfood #organicbabyfood #alaskagrown #momblogger #organicbabyproducts #babyfoodie #babyshowergift #easydinner #readytobake #ohheymamas #ig_momlife #mom #parenting #organic #ig_motherhood #momsofinstagram #momblogs #healthylifestryle #organicbaby #justmomlife #babyfooddelivery #babytrend #momstake #ZoiMaroudas

⭐💗When your little ones gums hurt and there is a hint of fever Bambino's frozen star shaped meals are a perfect companion. Soothing aching gums, cooling fever and nourishing all at the same time. Moms and dads keep Bambino's in mind when your little darlings begin teething. #SugarFree #allnatural Learn more or order and we can have any of our tasty nutritious meal shipped right to your doorstep: https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all #Bambinosbabyfood #Teething #SweetspringVeggies #Healthybaby #naturalbabyremedies #Cutebaby #Organicbaby #Ig_motherhood #Worldoflittles #dailyparenting #momentsinmotherhood #weaning #thehappynow

Is that AAA Angus Filet Mignon in my Oodles of Noodles?? Your Bambino can eat the same healthy delicious goodness as mom and dad with Oodles of Noodles! This yummy Bambino's meal is the perfect balanced dinner with protein, vegetables, and healthy carbs. Your little bambino can eat just as healthy and nutritious as you can! With organic carrots, tomatoes, celery, onions, pasta, and delicious filet! So much goodness!!!! 🥩🥕🥦🍅 Shop our delicious Oodles of Noodles and so many other goodies here! 👇👇👇 https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/oodles-of-noodles #BambinosBabyFood #healthyparenting #parentingdoneright #healthybabyfood #organicbabyfood #oodlesofnoodles #proteindinner #momblogger #organicbabyproducts #babyfoodie #ohheymamas #ig_momlife #mom #parenting #organic #ig_motherhood #momsofinstagram #momblogs #healthylifestryle #organicbaby #justmomlife #babyfooddelivery #babytrend #momstake #ZoiMaroudas

Bambino's always uses fresh organic ingredients and NEVER freezes before production. Our ingredients are locally sourced at our very own farms and all add to the nutritional value of the meal. Every Bambino's variety is balanced and healthy for the development of your little one. We know how important this stage is in your life and we work hard to create baby food that not only tastes great, but also nourishes your baby for a healthy and happy life ahead of them. ❤️ #BambinosBabyFood #healthyparenting #parentingdoneright #healthybabyfood #organicbabyfood #freshfood #neverfrozen #momblogger #organicbabyproducts #babyfoodie #ohheymamas #ig_momlife #mom #parenting #organic #ig_motherhood #momsofinstagram #momblogs #healthylifestryle #organicbaby #justmomlife #babyfooddelivery #babytrend #momstake #ZoiMaroudas

Bambino's Handmade Olive oil soap! 🛁 This beautiful gentle soap is made with cold pressed Maroudas Olive oil from Greece, wood ash, and Birch water! Birch water is packed with amino acids, minerals, enzymes, proteins, and vitamins! It was detoxifying properties which make it great to rejuvenate tired dry skin. The Maroudas extra virgin olive oil will give your skin deep moisture and antioxidants, and can even me an anti-aging ingredient! It is gentle on skin and has no artificial fragrances. This soap is an amazing option for those with sensitive skin, psoriasis, and eczema! It heals rashes and other skin conditions while also moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles and dry skin. The gentle beautiful formula is smooth and soft to nourish and protect your skin.❤️ Find this amazing Olive Oil soap and more goodies at the Bambino's website! https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/maroudas-natural-olive-oil-soap #bambinosbabyfood #organicbabyfood #soap #organicsoap #organic #healthy #everybitecounts #babyeczemna #psoriasis #babygirl #babyboy #babyshower #homeadebabyfood #anti-aging #maroudasoliveoilsoap#babyfooddelivery #motherhood #parenting #nutrition #childhoodunplugged #momitforward #eatyourveggies #psoriasis #ZoiMaroudas #eczema #OrganicSoap #Oliveoilsoap

Our lovely founder Zoi Maroudas with Jacque Pepin sharing on healthy cooking and the foundation it sets for a lifetime. #Bambinosbabyfood #Jacquepein #ZoiMaroudas #Frenchcooking #Italiancooking #Greekcooking #Healthyeating #Foodhealth
"Beautiful healthy eating conversation with dear Jacque and Claudine Pepin! Look forward to the next time we talk. Until then happy cooking and look forward to creating some of your delicious recipes at Bambinos Baby Food for our Friday and Saturday #familyfreshbakedgoodday!" Zoi 💞

#HappyMail! ❤️When our Bambino's package arrives your door step it's exciting for the whole family! Healthy clean customized nutrition that meets your family needs and you as a parent know that it was created to the purest ingredients and packed essential natural nutrients needed to support healthy development! Our entire Bambino's Family Team grows, harvests, prepares and ships with heartfelt care. Learn more about out products and mission:👇 https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all #Bambinosbabyfood #Loveinabox #Organicproteinmeals #Healthybaby #homedeleivery #loveinabowl #Parenting #newmom #motherhoodjourney #AlaskaSalmon #packedwithlove #Happytoddler #Newtosolidfood #Daddylife

Oh my couscous you have to try this Israeli couscous recipe! 🙌😋 It's fresh, it's tasty and very nutritious perfect for lunch! Israeli couscous Recipe😍 Ingredients : 8 frozen stars of Bambino's Sweet Spring Veggies 3 Cups water 3 tablespoons Maroudas extra virgin 1st Cold press olive oil 2 1/4 cups uncooked Israeli couscous 1/2 teaspoon curry powder 1 lemon 1/3 cup green onion 1/3 cup raisins 1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted How to Make It: Step 1 Heat 1 tablespoon Maroudas Olive oil in a 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat. Then mix couscous and curry powder together in saucepan and stir until the couscous is lightly golden. This bring our the beautiful nutting flavor out of the couscous. Step 2 Bring water to a boil and toss in the Bambino's Sweet Spring Veggies frozen stars to make a delicious broth. Reduce the heat to very low, give a quick stir and add sea salt to taste then cover. Cook for 10 minutes or until the broth is absorbed. Remove the couscous mixture to a medium bowl. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Step 3 Grate lemon zest and squeeze lemon juice from the lemon. Last step mix in the remaining Maroudas olive oil, chopped green onion, lemon zest, lemon juice, raisins and almonds into the couscous mixture. Tap link below to shop Sweet Spring Veggies and Maroudas Olive Oil https://bambinosbabyfood.com/collections/all/products/sweet-spring-veggies https://bambinosbabyfood.com/products/olive-oil #Bambinosbabyfood #Sweetspringveggies #MaroudasOliveOil #Couscous #Recipe #Healthycooking #Notjustforbabies #Ig_motherhood #Mommyblogger #Backtoschoolprep #superhealthykids #babyfoodie #Foodie #Healthycooking

Did you know just one Bambino's bag contains 5 meals? 😮😮Our signature star design and portion sizes allows families to customize mealtime and not waste anything! You can choose how much you take out and simply store the rest for the next meal. We also use larger servings per container to reduce waste and makes shopping for meals easier. Our wide variety of blends ensures your little one will never get tired of Bambino's! We have flavors ranging from Peach and Mango breakfast cereal to Sockeye Salmon Bisque! Each variety of Bambino's is nutrient dense and a balanced healthy meal for your little one. Find us at Carrs Safeway or www.bambinosbabyfood.com! #BambinosBabyFood #healthyparenting #parentingdoneright #healthybabyfood #organicbabyfood #carrssafeway #safeway #balancedbaby #healthybaby #momblogger #organicbabyproducts #babyfoodie #ohheymamas #ig_momlife #mom #parenting #organic #ig_motherhood #momsofinstagram #momblogs #healthylifestryle #organicbaby #justmomlife #babyfooddelivery #babytrend #momstake #ZoiMaroudas